The Nunalingni Piruqpaalirut Fund (Nunavut)
The Nunalingni Piruqpaalirut Fund or Growth in our Land Fund (NPF) provides financial resources to support the community housing sector in Nunavut. It was created in partnership with the Nunavut Housing Corporation (NHC), under the Nunavut 3000 Strategic Plan, to address several housing priorities across the territory.
The fund will help increase the affordable housing stock, reduce homelessness, and leverage the overall resources to expand the housing continuum.

Capacity Building
To support projects designed to develop community housing organizations, address gaps in capacity, strengthen skills and competencies, and create a strong, sustainable foundation for growth.

Planning & Pre-Development
To help cover costs of pre-development activities related to the construction of new affordable housing and address barriers in accessing capital and federal funding.

Research & Innovation
To support projects that will promote innovation, education, and knowledge transfer in the community housing sector.
Eligibility Criteria
This fund is available to organizations working in the community housing sector in Nunavut:
- Non-profit housing providers
- Co-operative housing providers
- Non-profit organizations
- Community/regional groups & coalitions
- Municipalities
Academics in partnership with non-profit organizations can also apply to the Research and Innovation stream (the non-profit must apply).
Application process
For more information about the process, download the complete application guide here.
Contact our Program manager Alex Wolf for more information.
Please also review the webinar presentation from February 14th, 2023 where Alison Lair (Program Director, CHTC), Severn Nelson (Program Manager, CHTC), Stephen Westlake (Program Manager, Nunavut Housing Corporation) & Sandra Turner (NHC NU 3000 Program Consultant) go over the NPF fund, application process, key dates and timelines and answer questions.

Apply for a Grant
Log in or register to My Centre

Frequently Asked Questions
See our answers to the most frequently asked questions

Contact us
Have a project? Talk to us before you submit it!
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are answers to the questions we are most frequently asked.
Applying for funding
Can I submit more than one application?
An organization may submit more than one application for any given fund. Different teams within the same organization may also apply.
What measures has the Centre put in place to avoid the duplication of services?
Knowledge transfer and collaboration within the community are key principles promoted by the Centre. It is in keeping with these principles that a resource inventory has been created. We invite individuals applying for funding from the Centre to consult this inventory to ensure that the proposed service does not already exist.
What are the deadlines for submitting a grant application?
See application dates.
How long does it take to review an application?
The Centre will do its best to review your application and notify you of its decision within three months.
Details about the process
What populations or demographics will be prioritized by the Centre?
Currently, the Centre has identified ongoing reconciliation with Indigenous peoples as a priority, and therefore projects for and by Indigenous populations will be prioritized. Over time, the Centre will ensure an equitable distribution of funding among vulnerable populations and will prioritize projects that fill gaps in service provision at the regional, provincial and national levels.
Why might my project not be granted funding?
Not all eligible projects will necessarily be funded. In addition, a grant awarded for one given year does not guarantee that the funding will be renewed in subsequent years. Although all projects are judged on their relevance to the grant criteria, the Centre will make final decisions based on the funds available, the number of applications already received and the equitable distribution of funding across the country.
Does the use of funds have to be reported on?
For projects under $50,000 and lasting less than one year, a report will be required at the end of the project. For projects over $50,000 or lasting more than one year, several reports will be required throughout the project. Follow-ups will also be required by telephone at least twice a year, with all of our grant recipients.
What happens to intellectual property at the end of the project?
All materials and knowledge generated by the project are the property of the grant recipient. However, the Centre reserves the right to use these materials at no cost. If the use is for promotional or knowledge transfer purposes, the Centre will work with the organization to find a common ground.
If a grant is awarded, does the source of funding need to be acknowledged in relation to the project and project-related materials?
You must acknowledge the source of funding for your project in your project communications. This can be done in several ways:
- Electronically, through websites, e-newsletters, bulletins, blogs or social media;
- In print products (e.g., advertisements, brochures, posters, newsletters, annual reports, press releases, signage, correspondence, etc.);
- Publicly, at community gatherings or celebrations (e.g., event or exhibit).
Logos and messages to be used will be provided upon approval of your application.
Can these funds be stacked with other Funding streams?
Applicants can most definitely look for other funding opportunities available to realize the entirety of their project. It is part of our role to help set up organizations for success. The Centre, as well as the Nunavut Housing Corporation, can guide you in applying to other available streams – so please feel free to contact us. The NPF is set up to be open and ongoing. In the event that we do run out of funding, we will take another look and determine whether we can repopulate those funds.
What supporting documentation do we require from a coalition to prove that it is a coalition?
Founding documents, minutes from meetings, that sort of thing. You would need to be a nonprofit incorporated coalition.
Is it a possibility to submit an application via PDF or by email?
Please contact us for any special requests – we don’t want technical limitations
Are any of these resources or is the application portal available in Inuktitut?
Yes they are. These are priorities for the Centre.
What is the typical turnaround time for an application?
The deadline for applications is January 15, 2026 – typically we endeavour to process applications within 90 business days or so.
Is this Fund strictly available to housing non-profits, or can other non-profits apply?
Any and all nonprofits interested in providing community housing or stepping into the sector is absolutely encouraged contact us/or and apply. Municipalities are also encouraged to apply.