Green Kickstarter Fund (GFK)
The grants offered through this fund are designed to improve tenants’ quality of life through eco-responsible initiatives. The Green Kickstarter Fund supports small-scale projects that foster sustainable communities by cutting greenhouse gas emissions, conserving water, improving air quality, promoting food self-sufficiency, encouraging waste reduction, and enhancing active transport.
These grants are exclusively available to non-profit housing providers. Co-ops are invited to apply for subsidies offered by the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada.
Applications will be accepted from March 1 to March 31, 2025, until midnight (PT).

Strengthen the sector’s commitment to eco-responsibility.
Grant value
Funding may vary by project based on conditions and specific needs. The maximum amount eligible under the GKF is $15,000, except for applications from the Nunavut, Yukon and the Northwest Territories, where the maximum is $20,000.

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Frequently Asked Questions
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Frequently Asked Questions about the Green Kickstarter Fund
Application process and logistics
Who can apply to the Green Kickstarter Fund?
The Fund is open to non-profit housing organizations and tenant associations.
The Centre will accept applications from organizations and housing providers of all sizes. However, priority will be given to organizations that would not have the operational funds to implement their projects without the Centre’s assistance.
If you represent a co-op, you are not eligible for this Fund. Instead, we invite you to apply to the Greener Co-op Microgrants program, funded in part by the Centre. To learn more about this program, visit the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada website.
Who will review our application?
Your application will be reviewed by one of the Centre’s program managers. The Centre will base its funding decision on the evaluation of submissions and the distribution of funds to date.
How will we know if we have been awarded the grant?
We will send you an email informing you of whether or not you have been awarded the grant or if we need additional information to process your application. If you have not heard from us, that means your application is still being processed or reviewed.
Is there someone we can talk to about our project and our grant application?
Yes, the Centre’s program managers are here to guide you through the application process and help you define your project. Contact us by phone at 1 (833) 360-3967 or by email at In fact, it’s in your best advantage to contact us before you even start filling out your application!
Why is the grant higher ($20,000) for projects that take place in one of the territories (Yukon, Northwest Territories or Nunavut)?
Everyday items, such as groceries, gasoline and other goods, are much more expensive in the North due to shipping costs and transportation logistics. To be more equitable, the Centre has chosen to provide a slightly higher grant to applicants in the three territories.
If our project is approved…
Will we be required to submit a report detailing how we used the funds?
Yes, you are required to submit a brief report at the end of the project.
Will we have to acknowledge the Centre in project documents?
Yes. However, how you acknowledge the Centre within the context of your project is up to you. You may do so through any combination of the following:
- Electronically: through websites, newsletters, bulletins, blogs or social media
- Print: through advertisements, brochures, posters, newsletters, annual reports, press releases, signage or correspondence
- Publicly: at community gatherings or celebrations, or at exhibits or presentations
Logos and suggested messages will be provided.
Tips for a successful application
While grant writing is not an exact science, these simple steps may improve your organization’s chances of receiving funding:
- Be concise
- Provide context
- Use SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely)
- Contact us before you start, by writing at or by calling us at 1-833-360-3967