Empowering Nova Scotians to Realize Their Housing Rights – Community Housing Transformation Centre – Centre de transformation du logement communautaire

Empowering Nova Scotians to Realize Their Housing Rights


Empowering Nova Scotians to Realize Their Housing Rights

Parent Organization

Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now – Canada (ACORN-Canada)


Halifax Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia


Community-Based Tenant Initiative Fund


Project Summary

Nova Scotia is facing a housing crisis. Substandard housing conditions and the absence of any rent control mechanisms are two of the major housing issues tenants face. The project will empower vulnerable tenants in the Halifax Regional Municipality by mobilizing and engaging with the city regarding housing related issues. More specifically, Nova Scotia ACORN plans on reaching out to vulnerable tenants, offering them skills building training sessions, organizing tenant working group meetings, and developing an action plan to better advocate for change at the municipal level. The project will directly benefit approximately 300 tenants and will reach out to 1,000-2,000 tenants.


Veith House, Nova Scotia Federation of Labour, and other labour unions.