Projects Archive - Page 12 of 13 - Community Housing Transformation Centre - Centre de transformation du logement communautaire
Community Housing for Quebec Seniors and Elderly

Community Housing for Quebec Seniors and Elderly

Partners   Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux pour les soins de santé et CISSS – Soins de santé à domicile – Assument les coûts – Conseils et expertise en santé  Réseau des entreprises d’économie sociale en aide à domicile du Québec – Aide à...
Building Capacity in Orleans through Collaboration

Building Capacity in Orleans through Collaboration

Partners The convening partner is the Orleans-Cumberland Community Resource Centre, which is a multi-service agency that provides support and programming in a partnership model across the region. Ottawa Community Housing (OCH), as the Cities large community housing...
Downtown Eastside Vancouver SRO Hub

Downtown Eastside Vancouver SRO Hub

Partners Dr. Jeff Masuda, Centre for Environmental Health Equity, Queen’s University Kellie Carroll, Executive Director, Network of Inner City Community Services Society (NICCSS) Lorraine Copas, Executive Director, Social Planning and Research Council of BC Abigail...