Ottawa is experiencing an extreme shortage of affordable housing and it is estimated that one-in-four rental households live in unsuitable lodgings. Some tenants can’t keep up with rising rents, others often live in squalid conditions and deal with unscrupulous...
Living in substandard apartment buildings deeply affects a person’s health and general well-being. While there is a clear connection between poor housing and poor health, ailments such as asthma, heart disease, sleep disturbances and foggy thinking are just the tip of...
With housing getting more expensive and scarcer from coast to coast, tenants are facing a tighter squeeze, with rising rents, renovictions and living in unsuitable buildings just some of the many issues that need urgent action. And although tenant organizing is well...
Many tenants living in low-income housing projects (known as HLMs in Québec) are people marginalized by their socio-economic situation, who have themselves internalized prejudices against them. As well, for a long time these tenants have avoided getting involved out...