2021/10/28 | Growth
Cities need a core of essential workers who typically earn less-than-average wages, but what happens when these workers can’t afford to live in the very cities they serve? A study by WoodGreen Community Services and the Toronto Region Board of Trade took a deep look at the problem and offered some ways forward.
2021/10/22 | Centre News, Growth, Inclusion
Journeys to Home is a research-action and advocacy project whose foundation is the personal stories of Torontonians touched by housing precarity.
2021/10/04 | News – editorial
It has been two weeks since the federal election. We don’t really want to talk to you about the election results today*, but rather look back on what the election period allowed us to (re)discover about advancing the housing cause: the importance of acting together.
2021/09/23 | Environment
The construction and operation of buildings is responsible for a large part of global carbon emissions. Ever wondered how you can do your part to make housing greener? Here are a few ideas—that could also benefit from a grant from the Centre—to get you started.