Centre – Page 22 – Community Housing Transformation Centre – Centre de transformation du logement communautaire
Housing unaffordability is costly for workers… and cities

Housing unaffordability is costly for workers… and cities

Cities need a core of essential workers who typically earn less-than-average wages, but what happens when these workers can’t afford to live in the very cities they serve? A study by WoodGreen Community Services and the Toronto Region Board of Trade took a deep look at the problem and offered some ways forward.

Editorial: The importance of acting together

Editorial: The importance of acting together

It has been two weeks since the federal election. We don’t really want to talk to you about the election results today*, but rather look back on what the election period allowed us to (re)discover about advancing the housing cause: the importance of acting together.

Marginal or marginalized? Giving a voice to the street

Marginal or marginalized? Giving a voice to the street

For as long as cities have been subject to international competition and entrepreneurial imperatives, the presence of people who are homeless or marginalized is often seen as an irritant and the co-existence of the housed and unhoused is a source of tension. UQÀM...