Resource Kit supporting Black B3 housing projects – Community Housing Transformation Centre – Centre de transformation du logement communautaire

Resource Kit supporting Black-led, Black-focused, and Black-serving (B3) housing projects

This kit is a collection of resources intended to support the Black Community Housing sector across Canada. However, it is valuable to grassroots organizations nationwide.

It was created to provide peer-to-peer learning opportunities about housing and technical support for grassroots groups in the initial stages of organizing for development. This list is not exhaustive but can provide a start to exploring the expertise in the sector.

Topics covered in this kit include:

Introduction to Black Canadians’ experience of housing

This section can help provide context on historical and ongoing structural and environmental racism and its impacts on the experiences of Black communities and housing.

The information found in the following resources may be helpful to draw from while writing grants and contribute to amplifying the importance of Black-led housing projects.

The resources include research, census and demographic analysis, webinars, news, and blog articles.



Select research and reports

A view of Africville from the upper railway line, Halifax Municipal Archives.

A view of Africville from the upper railway line, Halifax Municipal Archives, 1968.

Buying while Black: Research project

The Black Planning Project

Available language: EN

Type: Documents & Tools

Core housing need transitions of racialized communities in Canada

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

Available language: EN, FR

Type: Documents & Tools

Denied renting: Lived experiences of rental discrimination

Institute of Urban Studies at the University of Winnipeg, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

Available language: EN, FR

Type: Documents & Tools

Knowing our numbers: Prosperity & Well-being Index infographic 2022

African Nova Scotian Road to Economic Prosperity

Available language: EN

Type: Documents & Tools

Race and security of housing: Security of tenure in Canada

Homeless Hub, Office of the Federal Housing Advocate

Available language: EN, FR

Type: Documents & Tools

Articles and Webinars

Environmental Justice in Mi'kmaq & African Nova Scotian Communities, presented by Dr. Ingrid Waldron

Dalhousie University, Environmental Noxiousness, Racial Inequities & Community Health Project (The ENRICH Project), TEDx Talks

Available language: EN

Type: Events & Training

North Preston residents fight Nova Scotia government for land titles

CBC News

Available language: EN

Type: Documents & Tools

Panel: Racial justice and community land trusts

Canadian Network of Community Land Trusts (CNCLT)

Available language: EN

Type: Events & Training

Planning and race

CP Planning

Available language: EN

Type: Documents & Tools

The threat of housing inequality to Black communities in Canada

Toned Magazine

Available language: EN

Type: Documents & Tools

Why was a Black-owned housing co-op shrouded in mystery? This descendant found out

CBC News

Available language: EN

Type: Documents & Tools

Read our related news:

Black community housing organisation working hard for change
Modest but promising progress in housing for Black communities

Organizations run by and for Black people are working to change this situation and develop more housing across the country but their modest numbers and resources are limited.

Examples of Black leadership and B3 housing-related projects

This section provides examples of Black-led housing-related projects in Canada and the United States. These examples can serve to inform of existing initiatives and to expand networks.

The following resources are links to organizations that are leading housing initiatives, including community land trusts, affordable housing development projects, and the creation of roadmaps.

Clandestinos’ mural in Regent Park community, courtesy of Toronto Community Housing

Clandestinos’ mural in Regent Park community, courtesy of Toronto Community Housing.

Africatown Community Land Trust

Africatown Community Land Trust

Available language: EN

Type: Funding & Services

Black Community Technical Housing Resources Centre - New initiative to tackle housing disparities in Black communities

The Network for the Advancement of Black Communities (NABC)

Available language: EN

Type: Funding & Services

Black Community Housing Society (BCHS)

Société d’habitation des communautés noires (SHCN-BCHS)

Available language: FR

Type: Funding & Services

Black-led community land trusts in Canada

Canadian Network of Community Land Trusts (CNCLT)

Available language: EN

Type: Events & Training

Durham Community Land Trustees - Why a community land trust?

Durham Community Land Trustees

Available language: EN

Type: Funding & Services

Hogan’s Alley Community Land Trust

Hogan’s Alley Society (HAS)

Available language: EN

Type: Funding & Services

Right to Return to Rondo Initiative

Rondo Community Land Trust

Available language: EN

Type: Funding & Services

Roadmap for redevelopment plans to confront systemic racism

CP Planning

Available language: EN

Type: Funding & Services

Upper Hammonds Plains Community Land Trust (UHPCLT)

Available language: EN

Type: Funding & Services

Read our related news:

This project is the second phase of the previous Eglinton Oakwood Tenant Solidarity Program. In this phase, the Oakwood Vaughan Community Organization proposes a new community development approach centering tenants at risk of displacement in the planning process to counter the increased housing insecurity for lower income households, many of which are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.
Empowering tenants to ensure housing security in Oakwood Vaughan, Eglinton west

Tenant solidarity through community leadership aims to grow community capacity for tenants to lead and be supported by other residents and local organizations.

This project is the second phase of the previous Eglinton Oakwood Tenant Solidarity Program. In this phase, the Oakwood Vaughan Community Organization proposes a new community development approach centering tenants at risk of displacement in the planning process to counter the increased housing insecurity for lower income households, many of which are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.
WoodGreen: An ambitious plan and partnerships to support growth

Partnerships are key to WoodGreen’s growth, German believes. Without them, “we’d probably only build 100 units in the next 10 years.

Guides, templates and tools to get your development project started

These resources provide technical support for early-stage organizational development. They are particularly useful for organizations who are in the initial stages of establishing themselves and are exploring community housing development initiatives.

Resources in this list include design toolkits, guides, and training opportunities.

A view of Africville from the upper railway line, Halifax Municipal Archives.

About affordable housing in Canada

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

Available language: EN, FR

Type: Funding & Services

Affordable Housing Development Navigator

Public Good Society of Dartmouth

Available language: EN

Type: Events & Training

Capital costs and pro-forma operating budget template

Government of Nova Scotia

Available language: EN

Type: Documents & Tools

Social Purpose Real Estate Training

Infrastructure Institute, University of Toronto School of Cities

Available language: EN

Type: Events & Training

Starting a CLT

Canadian Network Community Land Trust,

Available language: EN, FR

Type: Documents & Tools

Step-by-step guide to developing affordable housing, 2nd Edition

Rural Development Network

Available language: EN, FR

Type: Documents & Tools

Women-centred housing design toolkit

BC Society of Transition Houses

Available language: EN

Type: Documents & Tools

Read our related news:

Community land trusts: a response to the housing crisis
Community land trusts: a response to the housing crisis

Canadians need to rethink their relationship with individual private property if we are to tackle the housing crisis.

Submit or share resources

We are gathering resources created by and for equity-seeking communities.

Do you have resources to share? We are calling for submissions of resources designed to foster the development of the community housing sector.

Have a project idea? Learn more about our funds:

The Nova Scotia Community Housing Growth Fund, to accelerate the growth of Black-led community housing organizations.

Check out our other grants.

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