2021/04/22 | Growth, Indigenous
The Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association has set ambitious goals in its plans to address Indigenous housing needs. With one-in-four Indigenous persons in Ontario living in poverty, affordable housing is seen as an important way to reduce stressors faced by so many First Nations, Métis and Inuit people, both on- and off-reserve.
2021/04/21 | Inclusion
Toronto physician Sandy Buchman, a palliative care specialist, will be drawing attention to the importance of social factors on health during a seminar at the Canadian Housing and Renewal Association 2021 Congress. Because poverty, like discrimination or exclusion, has a major influence on people’s wellbeing.
2021/04/13 | Growth
Toronto-based Mainstay Housing and Houselink Community Homes have joined forces and officially formed Houselink & Mainstay Inc. as of April 1, making them the largest supportive-housing provider in Canada.
2021/04/08 | Growth, Inclusion
Phoenix Youth Programs has been working with young people in Halifax since 1987 and continues to adjust to new realities, such as the current housing crisis. As part of its Centre-supported Bedrock project, the non-profit group recently initiated a study to identify and explore other models that may enrich its service offering.
2021/04/06 | Environment, Indigenous
Indigenous people are often the first to feel the effects of climate change. From disruptions of traditional hunting and fishing routines to shortened ice-road seasons, the ecological crisis affects daily life in very concrete ways in Canada’s northern communities. Since housing is the largest consumer of energy, the Indigenous Clean Energy (ICE) Social Enterprise seeks to share innovative approaches both within Indigenous communities and with the community-housing sector as a whole.