Auditor General of Canada’s National Housing Strategy Report Misses Target
The federal government’s National Housing Strategy (NHS) has been underway now for five years. Recently, it was the subject of a critical report by Canada’s Auditor General, Karen Hogan, which […]
Plancher: a plan for affordable housing in Quebec
Les activités entourant la démarche Plancher vont bon train. Plus de 35 partenaires incluant des institutions financières, des regroupements du milieu des OBNL et des coopératives ainsi que des municipalités […]
Housing Central 2022: Workshop on acquisition in the community housing sector
Every year in Canada, more affordable housing is lost than is built, with some estimates showing that for every home constructed renting under $750, fifteen homes are lost. Despite this […]
Let’s “Think Big” together at the ONPHA Conference and change the scale of community housing’s impact
Let’s “Think Big” Together Impacting large-scale change through collaboration and innovation Centre staff are looking forward to seeing community housing staff, tenants, and volunteers from across Ontario and beyond, at […]
The Centre invited to the table of the Chantier Montréal abordable
Le Centre est heureux de participer aux travaux du Chantier Montréal abordable. Le directeur général, Stéphan Corriveau, représentera l’expertise du Centre à l’exercice de concertation et d’intelligence collective réunissant plusieurs […]
The Centre supports greener community housing with 29 projects totalling $260,000 across Canada!
La construction de logement au Canada est généralement faite avec très peu de considération pour l’environnement et pour l’écosystème local. Que ce soit les matériaux utilisés, les techniques de construction, […]
Indigenous Interns, Coach and Sponsors Wanted
In celebration of the National Indigenous Peoples’ Day, the Community Housing Transformation Centre is introducing its Indigenous Internship Program.
Standing up for tenant rights in New Brunswick
New Brunswick has the weakest protections for tenants compared to anywhere else in the country and the pandemic has exacerbated the situation, with evictions and unscrupulous landlord practices going unchecked. […]
Newfoundland and Labrador: The Centre and the City of St. John’s help increase the supply of affordable housing
The Centre is excited to partner with the City of St. John’s to increase the availability of community housing in the city through the Housing Catalyst Fund. This year $110,000 […]