Centre News

Modest but promising progress in housing for Black communities
The discrimination and housing challenges faced by Black communities are illustrated by both compelling personal stories and alarming statistical data. The systemic discrimination and racism of some landlords, real estate […]

Strengthening and diversifying leadership in community housing: a second year of the Indigenous Internship Program is underway!
Our commitment to creating meaningful opportunities for Indigenous talent is at the heart of our vision for a more equitable and empowered future. The Indigenous Internship Program is designed to […]

The application process for the Nunalingni Piruqpaalirut Fund is now opened!
The Nunalingni Piruqpaalirut Fund (NPF), also known as the Growth in our Land Fund, offers financial support to the community housing sector in Nunavut. Established in collaboration with the Nunavut […]

Foster young Indigenous leadership with the Indigenous Internship Program!
The Centre invites partners in the housing sector to be a crucial part of a transformative initiative: the Indigenous Internship Program. Together we can create impact, building solid leadership skills […]

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year 2024!
It is that time of year again when we prepare for the holiday season. As we picture the tables that we’ll gather at by the fireplaces in our homes, we […]

The vital role of housing in rebuilding women’s lives: progress in British Columbia
Major barriers prevent abused women from accessing housing after experiencing trauma. The invisible nature of homelessness, often underestimated in women, affects many victims of violence, especially those with children. Structural […]

Funding dedicated to Black-led organizations available through the Nova Scotia Community Housing Growth Fund
The Nova Scotia Community Housing Growth Fund has received new funding to accelerate the growth of Black-led community housing organizations. In its announcement last November, on the first anniversary of […]

CHRA study: Canada can increase its GDP by billions by investing in community housing
The imperative of community housing goes beyond its contribution to the social safety net and proves to be an economic necessity, according to a study on the impact of community […]

CHGF one year anniversary: Extending a big, heartfelt THANK YOU to all those who joined us
It’s been a whole year since the Nova Scotia Community Housing Growth Fund (CHGF) has been supporting community housing providers in the province – and we hosted an anniversary event […]