Meeting the needs of community housing: expectations for the Fonds PLANCHER – Community Housing Transformation Centre – Centre de transformation du logement communautaire
10 Sep, 2024

Meeting the needs of community housing: expectations for the Fonds PLANCHER

Fonds Plancher
By Centre

On May 14, a governance workshop attended by 90 people was held to lay the democratic foundations of the PLANCHER Fund.

We used this opportunity to gather participants’ expectations of the fund, its potential and the role they would like to see it play in Quebec’s community housing ecosystem. They’re shared in the video below.

André Castonguay, General Manager of the Réseau québécois des OSBL d’habitation (RQOH), talks about the significant impact the PLANCHER Fund would have in making life easier for developers by offering new ways of looking at development.

Patrick Préville, General Manager of the Fédération de l’habitation coopérative du Québec (FHCQ), hopes that the fund will accelerate the development of new co-operatives and support the maintenance of existing real estate assets.

Jasmine Gareau-Lindsay, Business Development and Financing Manager at Village urbain, emphasizes that the fund could contribute to the sector’s collective growth in a social economy context.

Murielle Kwendé, Managing Director of Groupe conseil en développement de l’habitation (CDH), stresses the importance of consolidating existing assets and would like to see PLANCHER play this role.

Sandra Turgeon, General Manager of the Confédération québécoise des coopératives d’habitation (CQCH), points out that PLANCHER would support cooperatives in their renovation work, guaranteeing the sustainability of housing and pride of residents.

Neil Armand, Co-Founder and Director of Strategic Initiatives at the Black Communities Housing Society (BCHS), believes that PLANCHER could bring game-changing solutions to simplify and integrate all stages of project development.

Finally, Sébastien Parent-Durant, Executive Director of the Alliance des corporations d’habitations abordables du territoire du Grand Montréal (ACHAT), stresses the importance for the sector of having a tool like the PLANCHER Fund to finance the development of community housing stock and support the sustainability of participating organizations.

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