Effective Organizational Management of the Centre
In order for community housing to be more effective in both management and advocacy, we need to put in place the best organizational practices in order to leverage an accountable and functional governance structure.
When it comes to governance, the Centre, like the rest of the community housing sector, is working to ensure that we have quality governance that combines democratic practices with independence of mind and expertise.
Therefore, we are committed to:
- Developing staff expertise and engagement through professional development and accountability
- Creating a governance structure that promotes participation, transparency, discipline and technological productivity
- Establishing clear and effective external and internal communications using innovative office automation tools

- Local Projects
- Sectoral Projects
- Community-Based Tenant Initiative Fund
- Nova Scotia’s Community Housing Growth Fund

- Energy efficiency coaching services
- Self-assessment tools
- Resource inventory
- Special projects

Special Projects
- Plancher
- Indigenous Internship Program
- Black Community Housing Resource Centre