Eglinton Oakwood Tenant Solidarity Program

Parent Organization

Project Summary
This project supports the development of tenant solidarity and engagement initiatives in the Eglinton Oakwood neighborhood of Toronto over a period of three years. The neighbourhood is predominantly made up of lower income, newcomer, racialized and senior residents and has an above-average percentage of renters compared to the rest of the city. The community is facing intense gentrification, partly triggered by the construction of the Eglinton LRT (Light Rail Train), leading to the loss of affordable housing units and the displacement of lower-income households. The Tenant Solidarity Program’s aim is to engage tenants, promote the creation of tenant associations, recruit tenant leaders, provide training and mobilize for more affordable and community housing in the neighbourhood. More specifically, tenants will learn about the community planning process and how to develop strategies and advocate to maintain and increase the supply of affordable housing. The long-term goal is for the network to become self-managed and for members to continue to provide peer support and to protect their rights as tenants.
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